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April 12th 2020

We understand that a diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) can be very difficult, and there's a lot for the person diagnosed and their family to think about.

in conjunction with Denise Winterbottom , local MS Nurse we have developed a newly diagnosed pack to be provided by the MS Nurse to any newly diagnosed MS patients. It focuses on what the patient needs to know following their diagnosis and provides some practical tips for the weeks and months ahead and offers lots of potential avenues of support . It may also be a helpful for the patients families and friends and give them the chance to learn more about the disease.

The A5 folder contains leaflets that explain about MS, effects and symptoms , potential support , claiming benefits, how to get the best from your medical appointments etc .It also let's people know of the support on offer from the local MS Group, an open invitation to local MS group social events as well at the support on offer from the national MS Society Helplines and contact details for many support services and organisations are included.  Packs have now been produced so Denise will be able to provide them for newly diagnosed patients.



Just Diagnosed (MS Society Leaflet)
What is MS? (MS Society Leaflet)
Living with the Effects of MS (MS Society Leaflet )

Benefits and MS  (MS Society Leaflet)
Need to Make Sense of MS ? ( MS Trust leaflet)

MS Society Membership Form
MS on Your Mind

MS Society Helpine Leaflet

Halifax & Calder Valley MS Group Leaflet
" I have multiple sclerosis" assistance card
- MS Trust Helpline Card
- MS and Exercise DVD
- STOP MS Wristband

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